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Yeah I listened to some music that reminded me of something cool. I started daydreaming and in this "Daydream" I dreamt about a vicious beast pouncing into the air landing on their target before ripping it to shreds... Yeah I like having fights in my daydreams as I am a fan of Anime.


Back on topic.


My Idea was that I was wondering if it was possible to make a pounce ability for races going under the "Beast" shelf. (Khajiit especially)


I was planning that while crouching if you target an opponent about ten meters away from either angle, you press a button that will make your character do an automatic lock-on and then pounce on the opponent knocking them over (adding some kind of paralyze or something) while doing damage based on your speed and your strength.


As I said I was wondering if it could be possible without too much work, and I would like to only have this ability work for Beast races (With Vampires being an exception).


The problems would be the lock-on from such a great distance, and the animation.

Mainly I would imagine only using it in 1st person, but 3rd person goes for the same so yeah animations...


I think it's an awesome idea as I'd love to bail into the air appearing from nowhere landing on my prey knocking them over rendering them helpless for a short moment.

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This sounds really good, and would definitely fit in with Deadly Reflex. I would sugest PMing Skycaptain.
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