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Things that dont make sense 2


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It should give a magic glow...


[Glass and hammers] Good one calliton...


Why do almost all walk on the road instead of the sidewalk, inside the cities?

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how come some pepel never die because they play a role in some way but oh that guy over there -> :biggrin: yha you can just slaughter him
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(Unavi, your last link is not working..)


Same for bows..:)

Lol, you could start a topic about the glue attack of 94 ;D


Why can't I buy any dogs or tame any wolves in Oblivion?

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-We have beef, so where are all the Cows?


-Why does the palace guard's armor stay glued to their bodies when you open their inventory? (lmao glue attack of 94 again?)


-What are you actually buying when you buy a spell? Nothing actually is added to your inventory, so how do automatically know how to use that spell?


-Why am I still ignored by Mage Scholars at the Arcane University after I'm the Arch Marge?


-Why do you never see any ships sailing in the water, yet they apparently sail across the world?


-Why is there all this tobacco, but no one smoking it?


-Why are female Bosmers taller than male ones?

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