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Atmospheric Sound Effects problem


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Using TEStool, Leveled List tools and other recent learning, I've a good number of mods now running happily together. Thanks to all of you, I've also learned to resolve most missing file errors. However, Atmospheric Sound Effects 3.0 keeps hanging on object reference errors. (Ex: in Balmora, "Object reference_asc_terrain_rocks_wg_02 appears and crashes the game.) I've been unable to find such a file and have deleted all ASE files. The game runs fine again, but I would really like to bring that back, as it was such a good enhancement. I thought perhaps it was conflicting with the Balmora Expansion, but haven't read anything about that being an issue with anyone else. So, I was wondering if the load order might have been a problem. I've read that environmental modifications might best be loaded first. Any thoughts?
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