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Skyrim Nexus issues


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I have been having a few issues lately. I have not said anything about them because I figured they were related to the problems from a few weeks ago when everything wasn't working correctly. However they are still around when everything else is working fine. So, I figured its time to bring them up.


When looking at a mods page everything loads like it should except for the mods Description area. About half the time its blank. I hit the button to load it again and some times that works and some times I get nothing but a uppercase E. The uppercase E shows up when hitting the other tabs for the mod as well. Some days are better than others.


The other issue is downloaded mods not showing up in my download history. Since they are not showing up I can't Endorse the mods if I like them. Today I re downloaded about a dozen mods just so I could endorse them. Even though they had been in my mods list on NMM for at least a week and in most cases substantially longer. The re download worked in all cases but one. It keeps insisting I need to wait at least 15 minutes or more before I can endorse the file even though I have had it active in my game for a while now. Even re downloading it again three more times then waiting an hour before trying to endorse has not helped.


I have the latest version of NMM.


The one file I can not endorse because the website insists I have not downloaded it yet is:




Thank you for your hard work the last few weeks.

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