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President murdered


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Well, according to Russia, Chechenya isn't an own state, but a part of their state, thus the term "president" cannot be applied as usual - he was the former president of Chechenya, that's correct.

However, this does not count much in Russia's eyes as Mashadow (sp?) was a simple terrorist according to their point of view, and they hold him responsible for the incident at Beslan, among other terrorist attacks on Russia.

On the other hand, Western sources describe Mashadow as the one person who could have been able to take the key role in negotiating with the Chechenian resistance and coming to a peaceful solution of the conflict in Chechenya - they claim that he was the most moderate key character in that region.

Obviously, information on him is diverging heavily, and I am not all that sure whether we will be able to get a clear picture at all. If however anyone comes across anything that might help clearing the obscure situation up a bit (after all, it isn't even entirely clear how exactly he was shot), I'd definitely be interested in more details.

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No, he wasn't. He was fighting for Chechnya's independence in peaceful way. He was trying to start negotiation with Russa, I think. Russia didn't like that and killed him. That's my point of view.
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Remember, peaceful of not peaceful he was trying to overthrow a government.

Thomas Jefferson was a terrorist and a traitor to the throne of england but those are just labels.

Russia is not a stable nation, and any potential power grabbing can be very bad for them.

It is assassination because it is within the political arena. However he was not the head of a state recognised by Russia. This also means that it's probably not recognised by the UN (not positive on this though).

Also remember not everyone is given the rights of the US constitution, not even in the US.

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the funny thing about traitors and terrorists are that if you change sides they are defecting alies and liberators.


one guys horrible assasination is another guys liberation from an opresive government...


the world is bent and violance and hatred only beget more of the same.

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hmmmm....sounds as if russia could have greatly benifitted by having him in charge...thats too bad.  :(

I don't think so. It's better for them now that he's dead. That's why they killed him in the first place. Maskhadov wanted to start negotiation. If he had succeeded, Russia would have had a hard time proving to the world that it is OK for them to stay in Chechnya. Now, with Maskhadov dead, Basayev will terrorise Russia, and Russia will have a perfect excuse to kill people in Chechnya.

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