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Body Slide


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Dl'ed Body Slide 5.6.0... no presets, morphs in there. Looked around for help and got even more confused. Do I go get the CBBE files or go get the UUNP Files and morph those to the Newer Body Slide? Or no, I just got all this wrong. Help, plz and thank you.

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You'll use BodySlide for one of two purposes:


1- Create or modify armor and clothing

2- Adapt all the armor and clothing in the game to a customized body morph


In either case, I suggest you start by installing a body mod (CBBE, UUNP or whatever strikes your fancy) and then follow instructions for "batch building" (such as those provided in https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25259).


You should test to see that your body mod is working (all dependencies are correctly installed) before messing with bodyslide....


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