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Storing WornItem info

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I'm using the WornItem to get a clothing item at a specific slot and unequip it.


But how can I store this item, so that later in my script I can equip it ?




Currently, I'm trying to use a quest as a container to store the WornItem but it's not working. I'm not sure if I need to store the complete WornItem structure or just the WornItem.Item. In any case, my attempt all fail so far.

Edited by F4ll0uta
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You could create a struct that holds the clothing form and bipedslot info.

Struct EquipStruct
Armor ArmorPiece
Int bpSlot

EquipStruct S

Function GetEquipInfo(Int slot)
S = new EquipStruct
S.ArmorPiece = Game.GetPlayer().GetWornItem(slot).model as Armor ; or .item
S.bpSlot = slot


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