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erm, well missing as well!!!


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Ok so here the trouble. I downloaded like a dozen mod lately (My Oblivion worked), Throw in all the mods, ticked 'em in OBMM and i lauch the game, the game freezes on the loading screen, and with darn Vista who end all processes that are NOT RESPONDING it crashes!!


Ok, so i made a new installation of oblivion patched it and all, added my Rens Beati PCack but ARGH!!! Why are everybodys eye ll black, this is not a Neil Gayman Coraline i it?? Why are they liek this??

Please help :verymad: :verymad: :verymad:

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first,you never batch load mods.You add one at a time and then check in game,before adding another

second,always make a backup of your data file before adding any mods


third without knowing what mods you installed without you listing them...well my crystal ball broke yesterday!


but I'll hazard a guess at improprer uninstall, and too many cosmetic mods.


list your mods and load order please!

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