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Can someone pls give a hand in adding "timed production"


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With the new EW out, and finally being able to edit the ini's again, the only thing left that I find very bad is the "issue" that items are produced instantly...


Big Mods already changed that, but it doesn't seems to be in the ini-files, must be somewhere in the exe to activate the values in the ini first (since item have a time flag already, it's just not used)


Can someone please give me hand here ?

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Fortunately this is a one-liner ...


In XComStrategyGame.upk in XGItemTree.GetItemBuildTime change:

if((eItemCat != 3) || IsShipWeapon(eItem))
07 4E 00 84 9B 38 3A 00 6C 42 00 00 38 3A 24 03 16 18 16 00 1B 47 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 3A 00 6D 42 00 00 16 16 


if((eItemCat != 3) && IsShipWeapon(eItem))
07 4E 00 82 9B 38 3A 00 6C 42 00 00 38 3A 24 03 16 18 16 00 1B 47 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 3A 00 6D 42 00 00 16 16 

Since ship weapons are in category 3 this will never be true, resulting in all items taking time to build.

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Thanks for that info. Can I do that with any free available hex editor ?


(edit)Hm... cannot even find that position with a hex editor inside the file


(edit2),.,... ok, searching for the hex-string brought up a result... changed 84 to 82, game starts and production seems timed... let's hope it's stable :) i wil now change the ini accordingly...

Edited by Starman001
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