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Second incidence of discussing piracy in the same day. Plus requesting pirated material.

Once is possibly a mistake. Twice is definitely on purpose.


Banned for piracy


Bben46, Moderator

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While i admit i have pirated things before, such as games and or music, i can say one thing for certainty. Within a month i fealt bad, because i did the exact same thing that I am against, have spoken out against, and try to get others not to do it, and then i deleted the pirated games. BUT, there is one thing i did not do. I did not pirate ANY of bethesda made products.


While i may have pirated about... 400+ songs of ICP, the games from bethesda are so wonderfully CHEAP! Even me, this broke dude who can barely afford the internet bill to tell you so, was able to buy all of these from the store instead of pirate them. (Please forget the name, what it says, what it is affiliated with. Yes i like the music, yes im that word in which is associated, NO i don't feel like being ridiculed... again)


Here is what i urge people to do. If you have pirated files, delete them. If you know HOW to pirate files, keep it to yourself. If you want pirated files but dont know how to get them, ask someone else, somewhere else, far away from nexus, or dont ask at all.


I am proud to say those pirated files of mine are nothing more than a few left over bytes from what my computer wasnt able to completely delete. (God i sound like i had some drug adddiction and just kicked it) anyways. Seriously, this is the nexus guys and gals! This is a place for LEGAL talk. IF you choose to talk about illegalities, please make sure they are only illegal in Tamriel, specifically Cyrodiil because of the forum this is.

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