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A relationship-focussed companion!


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This isn't really an idea as such; I like to think of it more as a call to arms.


Since I met Vilja, I've been combing the Nexus (And elsewhere) for a follower of the same calibre, and have found... not much. Beautiful (unvoiced) followers exist in the millions, and there are some cool NPCs both within Interesting NPCs, Inigo and Cerwiden.

However, in my mind, these fit firmly into the follower category, rather than the kind of companion I would love to see more of in Skyrim.


I am happy to contribute to writing and/or voice acting (I'm a British female, although I can do a few other accents if necessary). I also have some basic CK knowledge, and am happy to work on basic quests and supporting NPCs. However, I lack the CK experience and confidence to build something so large, with the level of polish I would love to see, on my own.


I have a handful of ideas for characters - some more detailed and documented than others - but I think it's important that if a mod is to be made, the character appeals to everyone involved. So I'm not going to go into detail with them straight off the bat.


So! If you're interested in helping out or heading up a project, I would love a chance to contribute to bringing another unique personality to Skyrim!

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I'd like to see a male version too! I've seen way more 'companion' mods that are either non-spousable or not male. I can't contribute much, but I'd be happy to help bounce ideas and feedback regardless on the direction though! :)

Edited by pheo3309
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Emma is a master at companion crafting who has been working tirelessly on perfecting her skills since Mw. Even with her skill level and the amount of support she receives from the contributors and the community, she's paired down a lot since her Mw days.


I say all of that just to say this: it's not an easy thing to craft a single companion like Vilja which is why there's only one like her. While a lot of people would like more expansive companions most find it easier to simply create a character they like the looks of rather than create one that interacts on the scale that Vilja does.


Before Emma got any help with Vilja, she first had created several companions on her own. When she got into a rough spot with what she wanted to do with what she knew how to accomplish she presented what she had and asked specific people with the skills she knew she needed for help. Eventually she found a partner who worked in tandem with her for many years, helping her companions reach an ever greater level. Which in turn allowed her to attract more attention and more help as she created more companions for different games and generally expanded on what a companion could be though over the years she's gone from releasing half a dozen awesome companions to releasing and tweaking, just one.


If you're serious about wanting to make a mod like Vilja, you should first pull Vilja apart in the editor and then try to create a mod of your own. Don't be too afraid to break things or run yourself into a confusing corner because when you have something started and come back to ask for help figuring out this or that puzzle you'll find it a lot easier to proceed from there than from here.


Lots of people have this idea, very few people actually manage to get something going and see it to the end. Wanting it bad enough to get started on your own is really the only way to get this sort of thing done.


Good luck.

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