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Any way to have a magic effect use magica per second....


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Is there any way to make a magic effect that doesnt use concentration (holding the mouse buttons) but consume magica per second while active and dispel when magica is exhausted? Also need a second effect tied to the first that also dispels when the first does. I also want the ability usable a certain number of times per day. I been tinkering in the CK with this for a couple days now without any real success. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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I think you'll need to use scripting in a timed loop. Something like:


Actor target


event OnEffectStart( Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

target = akTarget

registerForSingleUpdate( 0.0)



event OnUpdate()

target.modActorValue( ...)

registerForSingleUpdate( 1.0)


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I have no idea what any of that means but TBO it's more important that someone responded than that I understand it... I've done scripting for NWN and NWN2 but this scripting is too limited, it's like they dont want to let us do what we want. Thanks though; maybe one day it's make sense when I'm to old to be able to use it.

Edited by ghowriter
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