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Hogwarts Legacy

[Help] Broken menus, all menu related hotkeys open the "options" menu


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I have been using a few mods and last night ran into an issue where I can no longer access my map or book menus. So no equipment, quest log, challenges, etc. I don't know for sure if this is mod related, but it has completely broken my 22 hour save. I figure if anyone had any idea of a way I might fix my save, it would be someone here.


I have made a new character and the menus still work fine for him, so I don't think it is the game itself.

I have tried using the save editor to modify my save some to see if it would fix it, but no luck there either.

I have continued the story for a couple of missions to no avail.

I tried zoning to different areas that require a loading screen.

I went back to my Hufflepuff dorm room and even talking to the owl still only opens the options menu.


Everything else works fine. I can buy/sell, ride my broom, customize my RoR, grow plants/make potions, everything.


The mods I use are:



Unlock Gear Limit Capacity

Crystal Clear MiniMap

Increased Potion and Plant capacity

Talent Reset Potion

Better Broom Controls


I have tried removing all mods and my save is still broken. Any suggestions are very much appreciated.


EDIT: It turns out if I spam the start button, opening and closing the options menu rapidly, eventually the book opens. It sucks that I have to do this every time, but I'll take what I can get.

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