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Temple Distridt Rebuild fixed


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Hi! I am new to these forums and to modding. However I have been doing 3d modeling and arts for the past 5 yrs and have some sense of what to do with objects.


Anyway, Today I have D/L the Temple district rebuild mod and tried it out. Right away there were two problems with it. The first is that there is a missing object icon and the second is that I was having texture variation problems with the ground base.


So I opened the construction program and fixed it myself, It took all but 5 mins to do and I am just curious why it was never done by the original modder. Anyway it's fixed and I would like to upload it as Fixed. Is that ok to do so?


The problems were.... the missing object was a shield that the original modder must of had in his scene, So I deleted the missing object icon to get rid of the notion that there is an object that supposed to be there.


The problem with the ground base is that the original modder had the base doubled up. In 3D this is a no no, as it creates rendering problems. So to fix it, I just deleted out the over lapping base layer.


I have tested it out on my own pc and all is great now. :)

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Ok, Thank you. I left him/her a message. He has a statement saying I can redistribute under the terms of giving the credits to him but i'm not sure if this would be the same thing. But if it is, I will upload as it is a nice mod and nothing is changed in it.

just fixed. :)

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