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Settlements linked with provisioners share the same inventory


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As for storing weapons and armor: I'm looking into creating a 'shelter' mod (as requested by somebody else).

The mod is supposed to let you build a 'hatch' inside each settlement, which links to (one and the same) shelter.


This shelter (which I already finnished) contains all workbenches, a stove, clean water, a bed & some storage space.


Although its not linked to anything else for resource sharing, anything you bring here will stay here and be accessible at any settlement you build the "hatch" in.


Because of this, which could be regarded as 'cheat', I'm thinking about adding a version without all that, but this could help you with your weapon storage.

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Failing the inventory thing a non-raider equivalent of the Overboss tribute chest would be cool, the caps gather in a craftable safe.

yee id take that as a second option


that aside though i swear u are like the nexus equivalent of justin y lol. I see u everywhere, u even on commented on one of my mods

I hope that's not bad haha.

There's a few reasons lol.

I've had Nexus people recognise me on Twitch and Instagram aha :')

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hey so, all of this flies over my head since I really don't understand coding but, are yall just talking hypotheticals or r u thinking about making this? sorry if this message comes off as rude btw I just wasnt sure how to ask

Haha.., fair. Well, i was under impression that Fantafaust was interested and obviously is capable. I could do, but unable to make sure that scripts work as should, so it would be a troublesome process of testing.

In particular, not sure how Inventory filter should be applied to RefCollection - either for each member or just once.

Scriptname Workshops_MoveCapsScript extends RefCollectionAlias Const

Form Property Caps001 Auto Const

Event OnAliasInit()
	; do we need to address each member of collection here? Assuming usage in game, OnAliasInit fires for Collection and not each member?
	int i = 0
	While (i < Self.GetCount())
		(Self.GetAt(i) as ScriptObject).AddInventoryEventFilter(Caps001)
		i = i + 1

	; or just do at once for collection as parent ScriptObject?

Event OnItemAdded(ObjectReference akSenderRef, Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer)
; move Caps to Player when dropped in a Workshop
	ObjectReference PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer()
	if (akSourceContainer != PlayerRef) ; just in case
    		akSenderRef.RemoveItem(akItemToRemove = Caps001, aiCount = aiItemCount, abSilent = false, akOtherContainer = PlayerRef)

Basically, this script made working and a StartGame dummy quest with a RefColl alias filled by Condition HasKeyword(WorkshopKeyword) is all what's needed for basic functionality. Anyone can do with just ground knowledge of CK.

Edited by hereami
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I've actually tried the mod linked above in the past but it didn't seem to get along very well with another mod I use, sorry for the late reply on that it just occurred to me today that I hadn't checked my posts in awhile

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Have you tried using IDEKs Logistics Station? It allows you to designate a container for collection (typically a workshop) and it will auto collect everything from connected workshops.


Setup (in game):

  1. Build logistics desk and assign settler (1 per settlement) this will automatically create supply lines.
  2. Activate the desk (not the terminal) and select the "Set Up Locker". This will give you a misc. item that you should put in your workbench.
  3. Open the terminal and go to collection settings and enable global collection. By default it will periodically collect everything from deposit it in your selected workshop.
  4. Build a storage locker in each settlement

The storage locker will allow you to access the storage from any other settlement that is part of the network. Everything from Weapons to Ammo will be accessible. It also allows you to disable attacks at your settlment with designated for storage keeping your stuff safe. I do suggest setting the locker where there are no naturally accuring enemies.



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