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Dragon Combat, whats a Dragonborn - Request


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Please make Dragons Immune to Human and Creature Fights, hence Only Me "The Dragonborn" should be able to Kill the Dragon.


It doesent matter if i use my Fists or whatever Weapon and Magic, Only Me should Kill a Dragon like the Ancient Nords.

Im just tired of seeing how others can take down a Dragon with me pulling up a Chair and watch the Fireworks.

Im also not talking about making Dragons Tougher, since i have Mods for that, im talking about making them Immune to Human and Creature Attacks, so Only Me should be able to do the Job.

The Blades used Special Weapons to Kill a Dragon, hence the Dragonblade you find in Skyhaven Temple, a sort of Relic of Ancient Times.


What about changing the Script or something so Only Dragon Bone Weapons and Arrows can kill a Dragon, witch means me or my Companion "if i give them the Weapon" can do it.

After i get the Bones and make a Vanilla Dragon Sword, it should be the Only type of Weapon that can Kill a Dragon.


In other words, please make Dragons Immune to Normal Weapons and Magic, so they just drop dead and rise again after a few seconds, but they should Only be Killed by me with a Dragonbone Sword or Dragonbone Arrow or the Dragonbane Katana where i Absorb their Souls. Im just tired of Everyone (including Animals) killing Dragons before i get there and this isent about making Dragons Tougher Mods, its about Me being Dragonborn and a reason for it.

Edited by daventry
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