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Land Animals Mod. great and/ or ridiculous.


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ok, this mod Land Animals i found on thundersomething or other, and tired it out. wow it's great, very great. an amazing amount of talent went into making this mod. i can't say it enough, it's a work of art. BUT since the mod is not posted here, and you can't post on thunderwhaatever i'm assuming the mod author looks here regularly as well. so, buddy i need to tell you about the downside of the mod. the spawn rates are insane, i figured out how to fix that so that good for me. also racoons only come out at night. i would suggest making that change for sure. the last thing, i live in northern canada, animals are sparse, they hide from you, they don't jump all around you like house cats. deer have no reason to attack a player with threat. there needs to be a "fear factor" added. just like the vanilla deer, they're afraid they run and you can't kill them until you get a bow or are very sneaky.


So i suggest revamping the mod after doing some research on the actual animals. i realize valheim is a fictional world but the animals are from a real world so they should act the same. spawn rate needs to be dropped dramatically, make the animals afraid of you. even wolves irl very rarely attack a person, it's usually attacking the persons dog. which brings me to another point. i was watching the shark from the Sea Animals mod and waiting to see if he would try lunge at a dear or lizard standing on the shore, and he didn't. if you could add animal vs animal agro would add a whole new dimension to the game.


last time AMAZING mod. the talent, just wow. but these things take too much away from the brilliance that is within this mod. I also see you are looking to be paid for it to be used on a server. i think until those changes are made a charge for this mod is not realistic. lets be honest the devs should be paying you for this mod lump sum to add it to the game. you are obviously a very talented person. but it seems like you might have little experience with animals in the wilderness. unlike myself and many others that live in the boreal forest lol.


I hope you read this. the mod is so great i thought i would take the time to make some suggestions that would make it better.


Thank you.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Hi, it took me a while but I'm here :laugh:
I want to start by apologizing for not speaking English, so I'll try to explain everything using Google Translator.

About Spawn Rates: All rates can be configured in the mod's .cfg, I leave it high so that the mod user SEE the animals, I've already received complaints from people who didn't find the animals.


About animals attacking: Yes, I know that rabbits, deer and etc... don't attack :cool: I've explained this many times and I'll explain it to you now ok? In Valheim we have two AI (Artificial Intelligence), we have MonsterAI and AnimalAI, MonsterAI is used on animals and creatures that attack and AnimalAI is used on animals that run away, passive. But we have a big problem, AnimalAI doesn't allow to tame, mount and reproduce, and in LandAnimals people want to tame, mount and reproduce the animals, so it's Mandatory to use MonsterAI and as I explained, MonsterAI ATTACKS... I tried something on the rabbits , I used MonsterAI and removed the attack, but they got weird... I'm looking for a solution for this, mainly because I'm being asked so that the squirrels can be tamed.
About the SeaAnimals Shark: Yes, yes... Sharks are voracious... but when I allowed them to attack any animal that wasn't from their faction, they just wouldn't leave the seaside, they stayed on the beach all the time trying to attack animals on land, so all animals are now in a faction that does not attack other animals.
About getting paid for mods: All my mods are free for singleplayer, I added mandatory donation for some, because there are servers profiting from free mods and I don't think that's fair. It's not because of my work, I love making mods, but for example my DOG's mod only in 3D models has $100 dollars there, ($100 dollars costs 40% of the minimum wage in Brazil, that's a lot of money for me, I can't afford to buy 3D models myself.) so how can I take the value of the 3D models out of my pocket and give them away for free? Donations help buy new 3D models, so I think it's fair.
So as you can see, everything has an explanation, I know that some mods are not 100% good, but Valheim's mechanics also have limitations. I really like it when players give me FeedBacks, it helps to improve mods as much as possible.
Feel free to add me on discord: Marlthon#6144 or join my discord channel https://discord.gg/mZNHDwxTgp
A big hug.
Edited by Marlthon
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