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Fading Aela


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Just finished the scene in the Underforge, made transformation. In the aftermath, Aela approaches my PC, begins conversation, but is completely invisible. If I click on her in the console, use setNPCweight 20 (as per her appearance mod), she shows for a moment but fades out. Still present, can talk to her, but faded away.

I upgraded the following mods today, in this order -

Assorted Mesh Fixes
Flickering Meshes Fix
Standing Ambusher Fix

After the invisible Aela manifested, I then proceeded to edit her .esp in Poisoned Aela Sylvan Makeover to remedy her invisible WW body, hoping to score a double, but no success.

Has anyone seen other fading NPCs, or had this problem with Aela specifically, and found a fix? Thanks!

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Well, I fixed it, I think. Turns out that the Diverse Werewolves Collection mod and the method to correct the invisible female WW skin caused the problem. Reinstalled Poisoned Aela, she was still invis outside, but snapped back to normal when entering the keep to get the Skinner.

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