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The story of eternity

Indoril Nerevar

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As some wiseguy started the sock washer thingy, one of the dwarves who, strangely, could speak Swedish, said:"Åh nej, nu dör vi" which means Oh no, now we die.
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But another Swedish-dwarf said: "Sluta snacka svenska! Ingen förstår vad du snackar om!" which means "Stop talking Swedish, No one understand what you are talking abou..."

The Dwarf didn't finish what he was going to say, because he died.

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The first swedish dwarf didn't answer the second swedish dwarf in swedish, because he died to. Then, it suddenly started raining cookies and all was good again.
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But, not everyone was happy. Because some bad-guy had put some glue in one of the cakes, and sadly, the one who ate the cookie, couldn't speak after that, because he couldn't open his mouth anymore. That may not sound so bad, but it was! Because he was not able to tell the rebels that he was on their side when the revolution came... And therefore, the "no-more-talking-thingy" died to...


His death was a great loss for...

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...SANTA-Super-Anti-Network-TV-Alliance! SANTA's only task was to destroy every television and every network in the whole world. The leader of SANTA, Bob Bub Bobson decided to...
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Take his own life, and destroy the whole world too. But suddenly the Justice League appeared out of nowhere and as Robin said "Holy Flying Dunmer Batman!!!" the Dunmer indeed flew out of the sky and destroyed the Justice League using only chitin weapons!


It was the biggest discrace the Justice League had ever suffered, but since they were dead they didnt know they were suffering this discrace of epic proportions. So the Dunmer decided to settle on the land now known as Tatooine, and thet became the first Sith.


They built lightsticks out of netch leather and skooma and were a force to be reckoned with. They slaughtered whole colonies of Dark Elves. It was a sad age indeed. The world almost came under the rule of the dunmer sith lightstick weilders when all of the sudden...

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..Let out a giant fart and so, all the dunmer died. To bad, to sad. Yo'Da suddenly realized that his name was silly and so he changed his name to Larry. Larry started counting his toes and..
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