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Knock out state

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CallFunction (cf) can call any function from scripts attached or inherited on the selected reference.

CallGlobalFunction does the same thing for global functions like Game.FadeOutGame:

cgf "Game.FadeOutGame" 1 1 1 1 1

Which would call FadeOutGame from Game Script with its 5 arguments:


; Fades out the game to black, or vice versa

Function FadeOutGame(bool abFadingOut, bool abBlackFade, float afSecsBeforeFade, float afFadeDuration, bool abStayFaded = false) native global


And there's a third one, CallQuestFunction, which calls functions from scripts attached to quests:


cqf QuestEditorIDorFormID "ScriptName.FunctionName" arguments


On most cases, when you pass an argument to a function you can use the word selected to send the current selected reference. Let's say you want to kill piper and "blame" the actor that you have currently selected:

2F25.cf "Actor.KillEssential" selected

That'd pass the selected reference as akKiller without the need of copying the reference's form id.

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CallFunction (cf) can call any function from scripts attached or inherited on the selected reference.

CallGlobalFunction does the same thing for global functions like Game.FadeOutGame:

cgf "Game.FadeOutGame" 1 1 1 1 1

Which would call FadeOutGame from Game Script with its 5 arguments:


; Fades out the game to black, or vice versa

Function FadeOutGame(bool abFadingOut, bool abBlackFade, float afSecsBeforeFade, float afFadeDuration, bool abStayFaded = false) native global


And there's a third one, CallQuestFunction, which calls functions from scripts attached to quests:


cqf QuestEditorIDorFormID "ScriptName.FunctionName" arguments


On most cases, when you pass an argument to a function you can use the word selected to send the current selected reference. Let's say you want to kill piper and "blame" the actor that you have currently selected:

2F25.cf "Actor.KillEssential" selected

That'd pass the selected reference as akKiller without the need of copying the reference's form id.

oO, didn't know about the "selected" keyword.

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