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Newbie spending more time modding than playing. Please help. :(


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I bought Oblivion GOTY yesterday and have yet to play it. I'm a complete newb when it comes to this modding business, but I installed the recommended FCOM Convergence mod (including installing the mods required to install FCOM and the programs required [or so I'm told] to install those mods). I've also got the unofficial patches installed.


What I'm really getting at is that I want to install more mods, specifically ones that make my characters look pretty (underwear optional). What mods, specifically, should I be looking for? I messed around with some new faces and bodies mods, but each time I searched for more mods I always found something better.


Also, if there are any none appearance related mods that I should know about feel free to let me know.


I didn't thoroughly check the rules for these forums so I hope I don't get banhammered for posting in the wrong forum et cetera.


tl;dr I'M NEW HALP PLZ!!!1one! :(

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Welcome to the Nexus


If you read the rules, you would know. (Highly recommended)


A suggestion. Don't load up on new mods without testing them. If you put in a dozen new mods all at once and ONE is not compatible, you will spend the rest of the day trying to figure out which one is messing you up.


Not every mod is compatible with every other mod. with over 15,000 that would be impossible. So test each mod as you install it. Every mod on the Nexus has it's own forum topic. There is a lot of information there on problems and suggestions relating to the mod. Many mod authors (not all) check their topics regularly and will help if you ask nice.


Necessary stuff - OBMM & OBSE you really do need these as many mods will not work without OBSE, and OBMM allows changing the load order as well as many other handy functions. Again, reading the instructions for OBMM and OBSE is highly recommended.

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