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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Jackdaw Quest Link for one character playthrough.


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Playing through I was a bit annoyed at the fact I had to play 4 different houses to get through the story for the Jackdaw quests. I am more of a fan of story/lore when it comes to games like this, I enjoy collecting and exploring and if possible I prefer to do so on one character instead of creating multiple headcanons. That being said I do enjoy the quests themselves, I just feel like it should have been set as one set quest but was split up just to force players in to multiple households.


I was hoping to find someone who could modify the questline by combining the 4 in someway so one character can play through all of it at once.


After playing through I had figured one could talk to Ollivander to start, Talk to the Hufflepuff lady to investigate and meet Anne(not sure if it or the Slytherin quest should come first). Talk to Scrope for his quest and for the room(cut jackdaw meet from here). Then one could either solve the tower puzzle, or Talk to Nearly Headless Nick(my preferable idea) so one can meet Jackdaw, however his conversations about the various conversations will need to be adjusted to fit the multiple quests if possible.


I know its a bit much to ask for but I truly feel this quest should have never been split.

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