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A few questions, any help appreciated :)


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Hey there,


I have a few questions and I hope you can help me....


Sofar, I already changed the game to something I really like, but there are a few more things I would like to enhance, and hopefully most of it can be done via the ini-files.


What I would like to know is this :


1) Is there a way to add a key command to "hunker down" ? There is nothing in the options...

2) Can I remove the new grid gui in EW (drawn when I select one of my units) and change it back to what it was like in XCOM EU ?

3) Let's say I would like to increase alien numbers in the mission by 30%, how can I do this ?

4) I assume I can switch the perks of the classes around a bit , there is something at the end of defaultgamecore.ini... When I want a different mix of perks on the classes, is it enough editing it here ?




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Hi :smile:


1) I want hunker down key too.


In XCOM EU, there was an option to bind it to a key (though it didn't work because of missing function), but the option is gone in EW. Thought devs will fix it, but they removed it instead, after one year of time. I can think of few ways how to do it.

  • Use Reload option and its functions for Hunker Down
  • Steal exec function, rewrite it and attach it to a key in DefaultInput.ini
exec function Name()
    local XGUnit kUnit;
    local XGAbility kAbility;

    kUnit = code to get current unit;
    kAbility = kUnit.FindAbility(22, none);
    if((kAbility != none) && kAbility.CheckAvailable())
  • Rewrite some function in XComGame.upk, class XComTacticalInput, state ActiveUnit_Moving, but no idea, how to create option to bind it in the game.


3) It's a lot of changes. Have you seen Larger Alien Pods mod by wghost81?


4) Yes - it is in [XComGame.XComPerkManager] section of DGC.ini. Also Amineri is working on updating Enhanced Perk Tree for Enemy Within.

Edited by Drakous79
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4) Yes - it is in [XComGame.XComPerkManager] section of DGC.ini. Also Amineri is working on updating Enhanced Perk Tree for Enemy Within.


I actually have the mod working on my game version, with just a couple of issues:


1) The SW option Training Roulette is broken (it's set up for the vanilla perk tree configuration). I can fix it but to test it I'll have to develop a new save game using the SW option

2) I used the new (still in development) UPKmodder tool to create the mod, and it doesn't have an export function (yet) to consolidate the hex (it's all broken out by lines).

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Thanks guys.... Will try some stuff at the weekend... Larger Pod size sounds good if balanced ( I don't want to get 256 Aliens in a mission in month 39 :smile: )... I will fiddle with the perks a bit too.... I just want to swap some around a bit...


Point 2) was explained elsewhere, gonna try it now....


Using the "Reload function place" for Hunker down sounds good... Is that also preventing the "press ok" bulls*** everytime when you hunker down ?

What's the string I have to insert for the function ?


Btw, I case someone is interested regarding 2), here is a solution (not yet testet while tipping this)


Kudos to User "Muckbeth" for this :smile:



Go to My Documents/ My Games/ XCOM- Enemy Within/XComGame/Config. Go to XComInput and open, Scroll down till you find the [XComGame.XComTacticalInput] section and place the following command lines. I used the F8 and F9 keys.

Bindings=(Name="F8", Command="UIToggleDisc", bPrimaryBinding=True)
Bindings=(Name="F9", Command="ToggleUnitFlags", bPrimaryBinding=True)

These will turn off the character select disk below their feet , and all of the overhead info bars. Makes the game look nice :smile:
Save that and go into the XcomGame ini. Scroll down and find [XComGame.XComMovementGridComponent] Change the setting for
MovementBorderWidth to MovementBorderWidth=0.0

That will get rid of the bright colored movement outlines and grid.

Edited by Starman001
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Using the "Reload function place" for Hunker down sounds good... Is that also preventing the "press ok" bulls*** everytime when you hunker down ?

What's the string I have to insert for the function ?


Yes, no need to press OK if I remember right. Here's link to the original thread: Hunker down keybind is still broken. However it is not updated for Enemy Within, but I plan to update it and do a mod tonight.

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hunker down change is not working, I cannot find the necessary string with a hex editor....


One more thing :


Where is the amount of ammunition set in the weapons ? The entries in defaultgamecore.ini do not really read something like reload or ammunition :

Weapons=( strName="", iType=eItem_AssaultRifle,             ABILITIES[0]=eAbility_ShotStandard,   ABILITIES[1]=eAbility_NONE,                ABILITIES[2]=eAbility_Overwatch,    ABILITIES[3]=eAbility_NONE,      ABILITIES[4]=eAbility_NONE, ABILITIES[5]=eAbility_NONE, Properties[0]=eWP_Rifle,      Properties[1]=eWP_None,          Properties[2]=eWP_None,          Properties[3]=eWP_None,      Properties[4]=eWP_None,        Properties[5]=eWP_None, iDamage=3,  iEnvironmentDamage=20,  iRange=27,  iReactionRange=-1, iReactionAngle=200, iRadius=0,    iCritical=10, iOffenseBonus=0,  iSuppression=0,  iSize=eItemSize_Large, iHPBonus=0, iWillBonus=0 )

Which one is it ? Or is it definied in a different place ? Hopefully within an Ini-File...

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Ammunition usage is defined in the worst possible place -- hard-coded in a native function :(


I built a mod for EU that redirected the call to that native function and allowed for configurable ammo usage via the DGC.ini, but it's a decently big project and I haven't updated it for EW yet.

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Hm, hunker down change is not working, I cannot find the necessary string with a hex editor....


Haven't updated it yet, working on it now. I got stuck with console last night.


Edit: Hunker down keybind is still broken thread is now updated with EW hex. It's in the first post.

Edited by Drakous79
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