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Feet and Arms Texture Bug on Vanilla Bodies


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(Fist post here, excuse the newbiness)

Hi, I've been having this graphical issue with both male and female characters: neck, arm and foot seams have gotten more noticeable, and feet textures are completely messed up, specially on male characters. I'm not running any body or texture replacers on my current mod list (though I do have eyes, hair and body paint additions, but disabling all of them yields the same results)

Has anyone had this happen to them before? Any help is hugely appreciated, I'm very confused with this

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If you're not running any body replacer/etc, then I'd suggest using the Skyrim file integrity tester/fixer offered by Steam, as it appears you have a mesh or texture issue.


EDIT: for games that are up-to-date anyway, ie, "AE", since it's current, so the actions it would take to remedy any shortcomings wouldn't, or at least *shouldn't* interfere with your game, or at least do so minimally. Sadly, I don't think that's an option for those of us still using 1.5.97 (although it'd be nice to know if I'm wrong on that score)

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First off thank you for the reply!!
Sadly, that didn't seem to do it, I still have the same issue.
I can provide my modlist although it's quite large, but I'm certain none of the mods I've got installed affect the vanilla body textures (aside from Flawn's Argonians, which don't affect human races)

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