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Function passing Array persistence question

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I have a function passing an array.


Here is a shorter version of what I'm doing:

Armor[] Container0
Armor[] Container1
Armor[] Container2
Event OnQuestInit()
   Container0 = New Armor[10]
   Container1 = New Armor[10]
   Container2 = New Armor[10]
Function ChooseArray(Int Whatever)
   If Whatever == 0 
   ElseIf Whatever == 1
   ElseIf Whatever == 2
Function ModifyThisArray(Armor[] thisContainer)
   thisContainer[0] = myWhatever as Armor

When later on a function reads for example Container0 array, it's empty. I was thinking that when passing an array as argument, it would be a reference to the array and only the reference would be lost when the function ends.


Note: If I make 5 functions ModifyThisArrayX modifying ContainerX without passing the array, it works fine. But I would prefer to have only one function and understand why it's not working.

Edited by F4ll0uta
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Not sure what are you trying to accomplish (context would help) but maybe this:

; inserts theArmor to theContainerArray at ElementIndex
Function SetArmorInArrayAt(Armor theArmor, Armor[] theContainerArray, Int ElementIndex)
	If !theArmor || !theContainerArray || ElementIndex < 0 || ElementIndex >= theContainerArray.Length
		Return None
	theContainerArray.Insert(theArmor, ElementIndex)
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I guess my question is,


A. I declare and initialize an array (Container0) so that all function have access to it.

B. From a function I pass the array (Container0) as reference named (thisContainer) to another function that will modify his content.

C. Later on, an event called function reads the stored information in the Array Container0.


I think I should see the changes made to the reference array (but I'm not sure), but for my the array is blank. It didn't kept the changes.

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