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Infinite leather and other errors on reload


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This happens to me constantly.

Yesterday I played the game for around 12 hours with only two crashes and literally no issues. I saved and quit last night and went for bed, and when I got up I turned on vortex and the game to find all of my mods dying and resetting myself, the game not registering my mouse movements, and only occasionally registering my WASD inputs. All of my mods are in the top left corner resetting and reinstalling as well as the game giving me leather, constantly, just multiple pieces of leather. The game also now lags horrendously.


So I quit the game immediately, reset my plugins to how they were on my last save, using the save games feature on Vortex, and it only loads some of my plug ins - since my mod list is built around a collection (I&A), so I have to manually re-enable all of the plug ins from the collection mods, and once that's done and deployed and the circling icon next to plug ins has completed, I booted up Skyrim using SKSE and manually loaded my save from last night rather than use continue, and the exact same error.


I let the error run a little bit to see if it would sort itself out, but it was borderline unplayable and I'm sick of losing save games to this, I've lost three playthroughs I've loved to this exact error.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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