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7 Days To Die

Mod Request Undead Legacy - Helicopter


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Could someone please create a mod, which will have the military helicopter fly at least 100 and have it a different steering?

How it is right now, it's pretty much not worth to get a helicopter at all, looking at time/cargo.


Also the steering is trash, you have to hold down the nose, to have the helicopter get speed, which of course will work in real life this way, but the helicopter describtion shows 75 as max speed, which is impossible to reach, because you would have to go into a nearly 90 degree angle for this speed to happen, and because of the way it got programmed, it will steer into the ground that way.


Means you have to sit around 50-60 speed and you still will have to power press the W button till the keyboard brakes, or you're steering right into the ground again. Makes zero sense and I have no clue if this way of how physics should work for a helicopter sprouted from Subsquake or the game itself, but it's wrong in all ways possible.


A helicopter rather should be steered like it's in every game, you press W and the helicopter flys forward while putting the nose downwards a bit, that's all. Up/down and steering should be equal easy.


I hope there is someone who can do that, would be awesome! thx!

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