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Mafia Weapons/Appearal


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I was watching dealiest warrior a couple weeks ago and was watching the Mafia dominate the Yakuza, when I thought, hey, these mafia weapons would be great for fallout.


So I was thinking, could anyone here make some the weapons they were using.


Tommy Gun

Ice Pick

Moltov Cocktail

Mabey some mafia looking trench coats and suits, and perhaps a cigar for that Mafia Don look.

The other two weapon are already in the game, the sawed-off shotgun and baseball bat.


I mean, not only is it cool, but it fits the whole theme the games got going on. Itd be great if someone could make these.

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world's deadliest warrior is a farce of a show, they either have two types of Warriors who are completely mismatched (such as a Apache Indian vs a Roman Gladiator, obviously the Apache won cause he's a warrior, a Gladiator is just a glorified pit fighter, not a soldier, put an army of Apache Indians up against a Roman legion and watch the Romans do what they do best)


the Mafia vs Yakuza one was even worse, because they had an opportunity to leave it ambiguous and as a tie, since they had, for once, an evenly matched pairing, but they didn't factor in the Yakuza's style of combat, which their weapons are tailored to, and even though they mentioned this they still had them fight like mafia guys in their so called "simulation" which the entire concept of acting as if it was a legitimate simulation just made them lose what little credibility they may have had. having the Yakuza confronting the Mafia head on and just in general being as sloppy as the mobsters were, but at least the mobsters could get away with it cause of their firepower, the entire scenario was tailored to the Yakuza losing, neither side is inherently superior to the other, it would all depend on the people and the scenario, while the Worlds Deadliest focuses ONLY on the weapons, and don't factor in the human element at all, which is stupid, that's like comparing two craftsmen by their tools.


I mean honestly, it doesn't matter if one person is using a more powerful SMG than the other, especially when neither are wearing body armour of any kind, both can kill and it would all depend on who gets shot first, and since both guns were reasonably accurate, though the Tommy was mostly "accurate" in the sense that it sprayed so much lead that made it hard to miss.


I didn't even bother watching the Green Berets vs Spetznaz which was on like right after, since while I wasn't sure which they'd pick, I honestly didn't care since it was more their methodology than their conclusions that bothered me.


Fallout 2 had


Tommy Gun

Wakizashi blade

Shiv (basically an ice pick)

Molotov Cocktail


etc, and there are numerous mods that bring those weapons back,

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For the Trench Coats, you can just use the Mysterious Stranger's outfit.
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