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[LE] Can anyone make an Xbox One wife follower mod?


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Skyrim is the only game my wife likes watching me play on Xbox One and I have reached out numerous times in the past asking mod developers to create a wife follower mod, Anna Baldo.


I would want her look like Lydia, but with a black hairstyle of the female blacksmith at Warmaidens in Whiterun (just forgot her name). I would want her about 6 inches shorter than a regular character and petite with a sultry voice. I would also want her to have a light shade of red lipstick on her lips. You could use the Blades armor, no helmet or shield. Let me know if this is possible.


My Xbox One gamertag is: Terminator TAC4


I am not very good with computers, so I would need someone to port the mod to Xbox One.


If you wanted to add a comical scene, you could make it where the player (me) goes to an alchemist for a certain health potion. Anna can be an NPC at the place that says, "hi handsome". And when I tried to leave, she begs that I put her home location on my map. Or an option where I beg for her home location so I can see her again, lol.

It's an inside joke from when we first started dating. I tell people she grabbed my leg with both hands as I dragged her while she begged me to take her number. She tells everyone I begged for her number at the front desk at a doctor's office she worked at.


I also have several ideas for custom armor if you're willing to create it.


I appreciate your time and consideration in advance.

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