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Hermaeus Mora


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Well, I am an Oblivion player that uses a lot of cheat codes. I used the map marker cheat to get all of them and I did all Shrine quests except that one. HErmaeus Mora's. It says I do not follow the patch required and the priest doesn't say anything. What do I do. I tried walking all the way there but nothing.
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This is what the UESP Wiki says:

  • You must have completed all 14 of the other Daedric Shrine quests.
  • You must be level 20 or higher.
  • You must have at least started the Blood of the Daedra quest (the point in the main quest where Martin asks you for a daedric artifact). It is possible to have finished the quest, but that is not a requirement (in other words, it is possible to use this quest's reward, the Oghma Infinium, as Martin's daedric artifact).
  • You can do this quest even if you keep Umbra in Clavicus Vile's quest (although you must visit Clavicus Vile's shrine and tell him that you will not give him Umbra, thus completing the quest).


So it seems you still need to do some things! :P

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