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Animations to Bow Kill Moves


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Hi y'all,


First, sorry if my english is not that good here or there.


My idea is that there should be animations to killing moves with bows, but oh, everybody thinks that...


But I have the following ideas:


1 move: Dragonborn "punches" (bashes) the enemy, then fire him in the head;

2 move: (Enemy on the knees for the low health) Dragonborn aproaches, puts a feet on the shoulder of the enemy, then draws the bow to his head, and do the shot;

3 move: Dragonborn "crouches" like on sneaking, with the bow already draw, just to shot upward through the enemy's jaw;

4 move: Dragonborn trips the enemy to the ground (or bashes, whatever that is easier to do) then draws the bow, and shots the enemy to his head;


-To make it comic:

5 move: Dragonborn bashes the enemy, when he steps back, the Dragonborn shots him... ON THE KNEE!



An extra move that would be great, is a Dragon's finishing move, where the Dragonborn shots the dragon on the head, then the dragon bends the head, the dragonborn climbs up (much like any melee finishing) and shots him in the skull from above, like with the axe move, falling down while he shots.


Important Note: Obviously all these moves whould only work if the Dragonborn is on melee distance relating to the enemy, so, what I propose is that when the enemy is within range (that range would be defined by whomever whoud like to turn the mod reality) the Dragonborn runs to the enemy before the move, if he's out of that range, the moves would not be possible, being possible only the standard move.


Not very useful for those who use the bow only to sneak or to first-hit the enemies from far away, it would however, be fuc**** badass for those who are truly archers, that doesn't intimidates by the face-to-face presence of the threat.


So, what do you think?


Every opinion is welcome, even those that say only "trash".

Everybody has right to a opinion.


Thanks :)

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