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Problems with The First Step quest


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Having some serious issues with this quest:


1. Once I kill the raiders and report to the settlers at Tenpines Bluff the objective marks off as complete but it doesn't give the next objective to talk to Preston or enable the Workshop there. Going to Preston anyways doesn't help as he won't go into dialogue.


2. If I force it through console I can talk to Preston (but it doesn't enable the workshop) BUT during the conversation after he asks me to be General and I accept the dialogue goes into like a pause that won't end (after he says now it's your job to make it more than an empty title), pulling away from Preston to exit the conversation doesn't help as he's stuck and if I even point at him my character acts like it's in conversation with him (making the uh huh sounds when pressing keys). EDIT: If I say no dialogue exits and I can't enable dialogue with him again.


I don't know what's going wrong, the only mod that says it affects that "Quest" record is the Unofficial Fallout 4 patch (which i have fully updated), disabling it does nothing. I've turned off all my mods (including UF4P) except the official DLC (which just reactivate when I launch the game) but it still sticks at the first problem (haven't tried forcing it with mods disabled).


I don't know what the problem is and can't proceed down the Minutemen questline because of this, don't know even where to start looking for why his dialogue is bugged.

Edited by TheOutlander
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