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Immersive & Adult Issue


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Hello, I have been playin with the Immersive & Adult collection. The other day I added a ring mod. When I loaded up again all of the NPC's and my character where stuck in a T-Pose stance. The animals and some of the enemies were not. I went and reran "Fores" to see if it was an animation issue but that did not help. Does anybody know any way I can fix this. I am running Skyrim Special Edition. I also wanted to add that this is the only issue I am having I can access chests and my inventory. I can equip stuff just cant use them. I am also able to move like fast travel and just walking/running.

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  • 4 months later...

If I'm half way way into the convenient horses quest for one horse, can I buy another horse and start it over for that horse instead? Will it be two quests for them going on at the same time? How does that work exactly? I am on the convenient horses quest for Leveler's Night Mare, but I wanted to do it with a horse bought in Whiterun since I can't rename leveler's night mare and it already has a summon spell so the horn call isn't necessary.

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