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Mercenary Camp Mod Request


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I am not a modder and i have awesome ideas for a MERCENARY CAMP




The mercenary camp would be like a big bandit camp with wooden fences and fur tents and at least 1 fire.
But instead of BANDITS, the npcs would be MERCENARIES that you can HIRE for 500 Gold!



-Lot of respawnable mercenary with different skills and races with FUR and IRON and CLOTH... I dont want OPS with dwemer etc...

-Near water with a small kayak and fish rack

-Anywhere in tamriel, find a cool place :smile:
-Merchants (food)(drinks)(horses maybe :O)

-Complete blacksmith with tanning rack etc..
-NO door and house i want it all open :smile: !
-Mercenaries training on dummies like 4 mercenaries training for 10 dummies

-A lot of tents and tables and food
-A small bar with tables and chairs where mercenaries relax but still inside the camp! Not in a house where you have to open a door!

-If possible a Carriage, and also you could go to the Camp using other carriage like, from whiterun to Mercenary camp ;P !

-I want at least 15 mercenaries Excluding Merchants
-Make it believable i want it to look like a big camp frequented by mercenaries so you can do tables with weapons on them and weapons rack and stuff lik that. A lot of decoration is cool :smile: !!!
-Dont forget the tentsa with sleeping bags and etc.
-U can use FROSTFALL for items and backpack. And BANDOILDER for pouches if you want. !!

-Maybe mercenaries fighting together for training :O

-Make the mercenaries ballanced for ADEPT gameplay

I think this mod is gonna be FAMOUS if someone is capable of doing it GOOD LUCK :D ! [email protected] for questions thx :wink:

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