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I recently purchased a copy of Crysis for the PC and started fiddling with the Sandbox2 toolset and found that it has built-in a rather nice program for generating landscapes far better than some others I have seen.


It takes a bit of tweaking to get the exported images to work. IE loading it and saving it as a 16bit non-interlaced raw image and then adjusting the gradient to about 25% of starting value. In photoshop that means "Image --> modify --> adjust..." and setting the input level to something like (16 1.00 255) and the output levels to (0 64) this will give you a nicely adjusted Raw image to use. might need to adjust those settings further, since GECK is rather sensitive about imported heightmaps.


What may seem like a minor change in elevation in grayscale can lead to impossibly tall mountains. the resulting image should have your highest altitude be approx. the color R:60 B:60 G:60 to achieve semi-smooth hills. lowest of course being R:0 G:0 B:0.


Oh and don't scoff at the size of the raw images. 1024 x 1024 is plenty big enough. heck in my current terrain I am on an island no bigger than 1/16th of the map and it's huge.


So for the sake of getting it out their. Geck takes heightmaps in:


16bit non-interlaced greyscale RAW images at 1024x1024 pixels. you use multiple images labeled in the following format x_y.raw

0,0 being dead center. yay coordinate geometry.


toodles, Rhayvin

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