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More land plots and more buildable wings of houses


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I would love to see a mod that adds new plots and more buildable wings for the Hearthfire DLC. Ideas:

  • House near windhelm
  • House near rifen
  • Archery practice wing with targets that increase your skill
  • House at Throat of The World on a wooden or stone platfrom
  • Arena wing/ outside area, where you can fight captured wolves, trolls, bandits, etc.

It would blow my mind if someone actually made this, as I haven't the first idea about creating a mod.

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There are already several mods that add such.


1. Riverside Ranch is near Riften.

2. Not sure, never liked Windhelm area so never looked for a place there. There are several between Windhelm and Winterhold if you want.

3. Not likely. Archery levels based on damage done to the target. A target doesn't have a life meter.

4. There's already a house at the Throat of the World, but it's more of a gateway. Check out Hall of Dovahndor

5. Seriously?

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