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[SSE] Player home request


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So, I was thinking, like 2 different options

1) a clockwork expansion.

2) a severin manor overhaul

either way the goal of the mod would be to add in what is in clockworks armory the self adding achievements once you complete quests but it doesnt require the original item its scripted to add, basically the clockwork version would be remove the questionline, unlock all functions, add teleport to player home spell in riverwood, and expand the armory in a way that has not just the main story achievements but DLC and AE ones too, perhaps a thaneship thing where you can reassign the housecarls to go to clockwork in the followers bedroom and add it as a in the game playerhome (family move in able)

alternatively if were to do the severin manor one, severin manor would need to be expanded having similar to HS's Severin manor in terms of expanding underground and adding new stuff, as well as the achievement tracker and put dragon skulls in it once it is the dragon borns after he beats miraak, and add containers that auto sort

also both preferably add a "selling chest" that when you put items in the chest then click a button next to it, it sells every item in there to random merchants for the base value price and adds gold to that chest which you can then take out, as for what goes where in the severin manor Im not too picky so I wont dictate just that it matches the theme

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