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Triggering events help


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I am new to the GECK and just started learning scripting.


My question: If the player were to activate an object how could I make an event or object appear because of that action?


Ex: I activate a button and sandbags appear around a town.


Much appreciated,



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You would attach a script with an OnActivate block to the object. So in its most basic form...



SCN activationscpt

Begin OnActivate Player ;only applies to the player

Player.additem Caps001 5 ;adds five caps to players inventory

That script would add 5 caps every time the player interacts with the object.
Still stuck? Go through the G.E.C.K. tutorials until you understand.
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You would attach a script with an OnActivate block to the object. So in its most basic form...



SCN activationscpt

Begin OnActivate Player ;only applies to the player

Player.additem Caps001 5 ;adds five caps to players inventory



I understand this but I guess what I should have asked is: How do I use this type of script (activating an object) to add objects (cars, houses, turrets) to the map not the players inventory. Would I use the objects ID and some how link it to where I want it to appear?...

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Well one way to do it is to place the object where you want it in the G.E.C.K. and double click it, give its reference a name (for example, objectAREF) and tick initially disabled.


So you would change the script to...

SCN activationscpt

short doOnce

Begin OnActivate Player ;only applies to the player

if (doOnce == 0) && (objectAREF.GetDisabled == 1)
objectAREF.enable ;makes your object appear in game
set doOnce to 1

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SCN activationscpt

short doOnce

Begin OnActivate Player ;only applies to the player

if (doOnce == 0) && (objectAREF.GetDisabled == 1)
objectAREF.enable ;makes your object appear in game
set doOnce to 1



I do believe this will help! Thanks.

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