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Detecting when the player Exit Vertibird

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I want to detect when the player is in a vertibird. The first part is simple with the command "OnPlayerEnterVertibird". But there no "OnPlayerExitVertibird" function.


So I guess I need to start a timer to check if the player is out of the vertibird, but I don't know what to check for.


Any ideas?




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I want to detect when the player is in a vertibird. The first part is simple with the command "OnPlayerEnterVertibird". But there no "OnPlayerExitVertibird" function.


So I guess I need to start a timer to check if the player is out of the vertibird, but I don't know what to check for.


Any ideas?




"playerRef.IsOnMount()==false" will do i guess.

I was also interested in an "exit Vertibird/OnDismount" event but i couldn't find any.

Edited by lee3310
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Always good to check how the base game does stuff.


Examine VertibirdTurretScript.ExitTurret which has multiple triggers to handle different conditions in State TurretActive.

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Thank you both. I Checked the VertibirdTurrentScript.ExitTurret script and I came up with something that seems to work:


Event Actor.OnPlayerEnterVertibird(Actor PlayerRef, ObjectReference akVertibird)
Debug.Notification( "Vertibird entered by the player")
RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnItemUnequipped")
Event Actor.OnItemUnequipped(Actor PlayerRef, Form akBaseObject, ObjectReference akReference)
If akBaseObject.GetName() == "Minigun"
Debug.Notification("Player just Exited the Vertibird! ")
UnregisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnItemUnequipped")
Event OnQuestInit()
RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnPlayerEnterVertibird")
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Always good to check how the base game does stuff.


Examine VertibirdTurretScript.ExitTurret which has multiple triggers to handle different conditions in State TurretActive.


I just realized that if the player enters the vertibird equipped with a minigun it might trigger the onItemUnequipped event. So I added Utility.Wait(5) before RegisterForRemoteEvent(PlayerRef, "OnItemUnequipped").


The script provided by SKK has many other events, i can't test or play lately but i'm sure you can achieve the same result with OnGetUp(), OnExitFurniture() or OnAnimationEvent(idleChairGetUp)... instead of OnItemUnequipped.

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