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Angelic white, Deep blood red, and Coal Black Argonians


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Hey Forum,


I'm Gwidz, and I'm a huge fan of playing Argonians in Skyrim.


I've been digging around for Argonian retextures, but haven't found any that give light whites, dark blacks and deep crimson.


I've attached some pictures of what Argonians can look like with more skin colour options, done up in Photoshop.









Argonians are a unique race in Skyrim, in that their skin colour can be practically anything and it's still easy to fit into the Lore. It feels like wasted potential without a wider range of colours --I'd love to see more in Skyrim!

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I'm always happy to help an Argonian friend. :)

This is possible with the mod Racemenu, no more color limitations. You can also have pink or yellow Argonians. The mod requires SKSE.

Edited by Derok
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