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Hogwarts Legacy

[Mod Request] Onyx / Mottled Griffin


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[EDIT] Whoops, sorry for the title - Hippogriff.. not griffin, that's different >.>;


I had no idea this game was going to be this good and sadly totally missed out on the Onyx hippogriff preorder bonus. Yes yes, I snoozed and I... loosed.. lost.. w/e! However, I'm not asking to steal a preorder onyx hippogriff, but perhaps you incredible modders would be so kind to those of us that really slept on that preorder and instead gave us a tint that was slightly less Onyx or Mottled.. or.. Onyx >.>;


Thank you so much for reading, and I hope you consider taking your time to unlock this for us! ^^b

Edited by Kallisto07
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