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A race based of the movie frozen


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A race based of the movie frozen


So I went to see frozen this week and I loved the ideas in it.


Seeing the movie and paying particular attention to Elsa gave me the idea to start developing a race based on her. I haven’t got a name for the race yet but that can wait.


So the first glance idea I think would be something along this:


They are immune to cold in any form.

They have innate unique to their race form of frost magic, which leads toward number three.

They can assume the ultimate form of a Frost-Mage, much as Elsa did in the movie.


Other ideas as to how this race might have come to be Tamriel are welcome.


Frost Magic:


Ideas pending discussion.


The Frost-Mage form:


This I'd love make as something similar to the werewolf and vampire lord forms, that is with its own perk tree. Some perk in the Frost-Mage perk tree might have something to do with the frost spells, though it might also be possible tie those into the normal spell perks as well.

Like with Elsa in the movie this form would develop over time, starting with weak effects that aren't to harmful but leading up to going full Master of Ice and Snow. (Though I'm not sure it would be possible to go as all out as Elsa did... forming palace out of ice fractals. (I really loved that scene. Here))




So this the idea that sparked in my mind, I thought I'd share it and I'd also over to join in as programmer if anyone feels like tackling it. I'd give it a try my self but I haven’t made mods for skyrim before and I'm just not sure where to start.

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Absolutely incredible concept, i haven't seen the movie myself, but that scene literally blew my mind!
Now i want to build castles made of solid ice, live isolated from the world, my own private kingdom of ice and snow! BWAHHAAHAHAH!!!!

Okay okay, calming down now, but seriously, first thing i note:

A frost mage power;
Much like Dragon Aspect -

What i would LIKE to see:
Using the power forms extravagant ethereal robes of ice around you (Perhaps even just make some incredible ethereal looking ice robes and have the power equip them like bound weapons, so they're hidden and when they're removed your old armor is re-equipped) which increase your frost damage dramatically and/or enable access to a variety of race and form specific spells (Like Vampire lord/werewolf ;3)

What seems more likely:
Basically recolored Dragon Aspect, forms spectral armor of ice around you, doing similar things to the robes i would like to see (As i'm sure that part wouldn't be as difficult)




I would LOVE the ability to form ice walls (Similar to this but perhaps more modular, like a better shape that could potentially be used on any angle while still looking appropriate and a smaller size so they build up at a slower rate, they would be destructible (Like the mod i linked), permanent (Unless you or someone/thing destroys them, they would need to be like in the mod i linked, marked as enemies/friendlies so enemies seek to destroy them, thus if you use them tactically like in a fight to block off the enemy, they will destroy the wall to get to you) and could essentially be used to form your own home, your own kingdom, your own campsite, whatever the hell you want. I reckon that would just be INCREDIBLE! And not that difficult considering something similar has already been done in the mod i linked! :))

Please however, do not make the form change, in whatever form it comes in, a daily power, the purpose of the perk tree type thing (Even if it's just a menu that uses your perk points) would be to allow your power to grow over time, so when you first begin as this race, you are essentially weak as all hell, just very.. basic, no reason why the power would have to be daily if you were so weak, and then even as you grow it makes sense because you spent a long time becoming stronger, better, enhancing your abilities, why would you be limited to daily use of a natural talent?

Side note:
Are you planning to make this mod or are you requesting somebody else make it? :)

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