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planning on a new modlist! need recommendations/advice


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hey everyone! planning on doing a new modlist finally after uninstalling because of AE


the last time i had this game installed was when special edition was new. i modded for a really long time (up till AE) and then uninstalled


what i'm wondering is what version do i use and what mods do i install? i'd gather lots of top mods are super outdated at this point and i'm mixed on which version to use. im leaning toward SE for that performance gain but is AE finally worth it? i can't say i care about the creation club junk, but if that's what the community recommends, i'll swap to it


anyway yeah what's the recommended mods? i'm looking for a sweeping improvement to graphics, gameplay, and so on. i love CGO but if there's alternatives lemme know!



thanks again for anyone who offers advice!

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Your main issue if you choose to drop back to 1.5.97 is, of course, that you're no longer guaranteed that that neato new "SE" mod will do anything more than break your game unless you're careful.


That's a problem whenever one orphans a program (in this case... game) to a given version.


Same goes for updating mods


ex: USSEP, Racemnu, and JContainers, which in Vortex (the manager I use) show an "update in place" icon-link, but which if clicked, will produce a broken game (since the AE versions aren't compatible with 1.5.97), since I already have the latest, and afaik final versions for 1.5.97

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