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Archery Bug/Address Library Issues


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I have a wonky error wherein every time I try to shoot arrows, the bow goes down and sideways to the left and the arrows shoot at wonky angles. This started happening after I installed Skyland AIO, though I know that correlation is not causation so I'm not blaming the mod. Took it off, dumped the games ini files and all game saves. Did a completely fresh install with no mods. Still happening. I am not a modder. I am using Vortex and Skyrim AE GOG. Previous installs with GOG version did not have this problem. Also, while I'm here, Address Library Plugins AIO does not like GOG version. Is there anything I can do?


Grovelling and begging for help. :smile:




EDIT: Solved my Address Library problem with xshadowmanx's DLL Loader. Thanks Shadowman :smile:


EDIT: Found my answer. Uninstall xp skeleton. Run FNIS. Start up game and save. Reinstall xp skeleton. Run FNIS. Start up game again and test. Should be fixed. Apologies for not searching threads here more thoroughly as this problem has been encountered and solved by others. If the mods don't mind, I will leave this here so that others may easily find the answers to these problems.


Thanks. :)

Edited by NewUsernamePolicySucks
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