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How to Enjoy Oblivion


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there are some mods that can change some aspects of the game to be more like morrowind, Im looking for some more...




That deals mostly with items and other stuff, I have a list of mods Im looking into before I start its a mile long...literally. But mine is more for better forests and that sort of thing...I still am looking into what better cities mod I should get...want to put my 9800 series card to good use.

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Adding Morrowind ingredients and books does add variety, but what you really need is something that improves the quests and dialogue of Oblivion. I believe it's prohibitively impractical to bring the dialogue in Oblivion up to the level of Morrowind's dialogue, since Morrowind's interface was made for textual verbosity and Oblivion's was made for short bites spoken aloud. It would just be too awkward.
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Very true, I was just looking into improving general game play...I haven't really tried to make the quests better because I only know of 1 or 2...like the last quest in the mages guild, people made it harder, and more believable. Other then that quest change, I haven't found much...other then quests to get a house or other mod added item...


one mod you might want is one that removes the rumors from the beggars, the voice changes to a reg person instead of the beggar voice....I find that essential for game play experience. It adds the rumors to the citizens for the specific quests(related to beggars and rumors), so no worries there.

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