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TributaryRose's Requests


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Okay, I'm always coming up with crazy wants for oblivion and Though I am learning alot with the CS, there are just some things that I will not be able to accomplish. One of these things is mods that would require new mesh designs...I could learn how to use 3D editing programs, but fact of the matter is that I just dont have a powerful enough computer to do it without freezing up. So here is where I need help. I have lots of ideas that end with that problem, so I'm posting here for anyone who's up for bringing these ideas to life. I would really like to see them be made reality...well, real to the game i mean. And I dont mind them being posted if that is a concern, in fact I encourage it...geez I'm babbling. Anyway, my first Idea is this...
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A cybernetic arm, now before I get yelled at for breaking the laws of lore (people get so pissy for the silliest things) It all depends on how you're roleplaying. For example, you could be playing a character from a modern(or in this case future world) and was sucked back in time to find himself in jail with no idea where he is, and is trying to make do in this new world. But yeah...babbling again, The cybernetic arm...I was thinking if it could be made to take up the tail slot or something like that so that it could be worn with coats and shirts and stuff. I have a sketch that shows what Im going for. If anyone is up for it, pm me and I'll send you the sketch. Also I'm working on clothing Ideas if anyone is interested in that too.
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Quick tip:


If you want futuristic stuff in Oblivion and don't want the lore fanatics to give you a hard time, give it a Dwemer style.

Remember, robots in Morrowind (The Dwemer centurions and such)




Besides, cybernetic limb replacements isn't one of those things that would take a crap on lore.

The last dwarf in Morrowind had spider legs to replace his own.

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lore, smore.Since when does one group of people dictate what others make or release. They can ignor and should ignor things that aren't to their liking


Good ideas :thumbsup:

ingore ends with an E

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