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Is History Relevant to the World


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Alas, Philosopher101 history is not a fable agreed upon, as a Fable as decribed by a dictionary is;


1. a short moral story esp. one with animals as characters.

2. a false, fictitious or improbable account.

3. a story or legend about supernatural or mythical characters or events.

4. legends or myths collectively.


also a collection of historians can be described as a debate, argument or war, as they are often not in agreement about what is and isn't history not even fact is exempt from this as one historian will find something which adds to the facts already given or disproves some other fact or will bring out a new hypothesis about the same facts, so history is more fluid then a fable, myth or legend it is much more compairable to science where a hypothesis becomes a theory which may get supplanted by another theory (like gravity replaced by general relativity) or may become a law (a very rare thing indeed) in history there are no laws as an advancement from theory as new information from other sources or new interpritations of old sources change the pool of information and/or taking things away, destroying one or more theory and opening up ways for yet more hypothesis and theories.


the best thing to compaire history to is life. the fluidity is possibly why it helps us to see what is happening in the world around us in different lights and views.

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