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Editing Weather Regions


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Figured it out:

in the Creation Kit in the top bar, select world and go to the regions tab. You end up in the region editor world. Select Tamriel from the dropdown menu and you can see the different weather zones. The zones have anchor points you can drag around, (its a bit finicky). I haven't figured out how to add new anchor points, but at least this is the way to edit the weather regions.



Does anyone know how one would edit Weather regions in the creation kit? I am running cathedral weathers and cathedral diverse seasons. It seems like certain cells near Winterhold have the Coast weather region assigned which contains rain. So I looked up in TES5edit, and the CO weather region (coast) does indeed contain rainy weather. I also found an apparent map of how the weather regions are divided.


And you can see the blue part which is the coast region clashes with the snow region in certain spot. So my plan was to change those boundaries so they clash less.








Problem is, I tried fiddling in the CK with the region editor. But I couldn't figure out, how to actually see which cells have which weather region attached to it, or how to edit it. Could anyone help me with this?

Edited by bjassie
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