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RefColl Question - Quest Objects

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Quick question about Ref Collections, it's my understanding that you can add to them via script. If I add an npc to a RefColl that has Optional and Quest Object flags, will they be treated as such by the quest? Some of my mods use individual unfilled RefAliases to hold onto a dead npc and prevent them from being cleaned up, as well as quest items placed into their inventory to doubly ensure that, but I'm a little tired of:
A) the tedium of adding more slots and
B) The limitations OF those slots

If I can add to a RefColl on the fly, it would suit my purposes well. I just haven't tried before since when I first started these mods I was working on Skyrim(Oldrim), and coming from New Vegas modding I didn't understand the new Quest Alias functions at all.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Creating optional RefCollAliases to fill with ObjectReferences to make persistent, attach scripts and map mark objectives is a standard operation.


I have never marked a RefCollAlias holding actors as a quest object to try and preserve their inventory. You would probably need to test that, but I suspect it is not transitive from Actor > Inventory.

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