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In-Game Weapons and Ammo anytime!


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Hello Nexus Forums,


I want to ask you about a mod as if such a thing, or something that does pretty much similar things exist?


I'm looking for a mod that would allow me to get any weapon I want ( Condition may be optional, lol :) ), and also any ammo I want, in anywhere in game. For example I'm in the middle of Wasteland and I want some Fat Boys to blow things up, instead of opening Fallout wiki and looking for it's code and typing it on console, any mod that would simply give me the gun and ammo, or simply letting me know what the codes are, without leaving the game, would be perfect!


Thanks.. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, alternately, there are backpacks that let you essentially carry more. If you dig around, even endless extra weight. So fill your backpack with fatman launchers, portable howitzers, anti-tank guns and whatever else you think you'll need. When you need them, open the backpack, get the gun you want, etc.


Or if you want to go full monte, it's quite trivial to just mod your carrying weight sky high (say, carry a million pounds), and then you don't even need a backpack.

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